psimone1988 Posts: 3
Goodmorning, I wanted to ask when it will be scheduled to update the version Thanks so much a greeting
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 500
psimone1988 wrote:
Goodmorning, I wanted to ask when it will be scheduled to update the version Thanks so much a greeting
Hello psimone1988,
Tajima DG/ML14.1.6.5388 is currently available if you have not updated to it already. At this time, only maintenance releases are planned for DG/ML14 on a must fix basis. If you have encountered an issue that you feel needs to be addressed, please forward any details you can to your distributor.
Thanks for your interest in Tajima DG/ML by Pulse.
psimone1988 Posts: 3
Thanks so much
Afzel Posts: 1
good day
I would like to know if there is a plugin for corel x7 and which version will have the plugin for corel x7
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 500
Afzel wrote:
good day
I would like to know if there is a plugin for corel x7 and which version will have the plugin for corel x7
Hello Afzel,
There is a CorelDRAW x7 plugin for Tajima DG15 by Pulse, which is available in the current version already. At this time, there is no plan to include a CorelDRAW x7 plugin for DG/ML14 unfortunately.
jantunezr Posts: 5
Quisiera Saber Si Hay Una Actualización para la versión tajima DG15.
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 500
jantunezr wrote:
Quisiera Saber Si Hay Una Actualización para la versión tajima DG15.
Hola , DG / ML14.1.6.5388 es la última versión de Tajima DG / artículo ML14 . Actualización a DG15 requiere una compra por separado . Por favor, póngase en contacto con su distribuidor de impulsos acerca del precio.
Hello, DG/ML14.1.6.5388 is the latest version of Tajima DG/ML14. Updating to DG15 requires a separate purchase. Please contact your local Pulse distributor for pricing.
OMLpatches Posts: 5
Ok, we are looking to upgrade from Illustrator Extreme to Artist and DG15. I know you say contact your distributer, but there are only 2 in Canada and no one has any information for us. We have been trying for weeks to get some answers and find out how to upgrade ASAP. Can anyone help? the distributors sure aren't helping us any. Thanks!
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 500
Susan and Don Brown wrote:
Ok, we are looking to upgrade from Illustrator Extreme to Artist and DG15. I know you say contact your distributer, but there are only 2 in Canada and no one has any information for us. We have been trying for weeks to get some answers and find out how to upgrade ASAP. Can anyone help? the distributors sure aren't helping us any. Thanks!
Hello Susan and Don,
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We have contacted our Canadian distributors about your case and they should be in touch with you very shortly with the info you require.
Thank you for your interest in Tajima DG15 by Pulse!
OMLpatches Posts: 5
GREAT! thank you!
ShareServe Posts: 3
Tajima DG14 is not available in our country, we have Pulse Signature v14. My current version is
I did once down load the setup file for, but have never been able to actually update the software. I always get an error message "Could not access network location"
I have often seen anouncements for "DG/ML Maintenance Releases" What will happen if I tried to update using DG/ML file instead of Signature.
ITSASO Posts: 3
HOLA he comprado la ultima version de tajima no puedo crear mi cuenta en pulsecloud pues el numero de mi llave me dice que no es correcto que tengo que hacer?
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 500
ITSASO wrote:
HOLA he comprado la ultima version de tajima no puedo crear mi cuenta en pulsecloud pues el numero de mi llave me dice que no es correcto que tengo que hacer?
Para crear una cuenta en PulseCloud , necesitará el número de su dispositivo de seguridad . Esto a menudo se encuentra en la parte posterior de su dispositivo de seguridad USB , o el número de dispositivo se puede ver a través del software : Izquierda haga clic en Herramientas luego a la izquierda haga clic en Dispositivo Actualización de seguridad para mostrar el número de licencia y la información del dispositivo , por favor tenga en cuenta , el código de activación será de dos letras seguidas de 5 números ( ejemplo : AB12345 ) y no incluirá la extensión de -4 .
To create an account in PulseCloud, you will need your security device number. This is often found on the back of your USB security device, or the device number can be viewed through your software:
left click Tools then left click Update Security Device to display the license information and device number, please note, the activation code will be two letters followed by 5 numbers (example: AB12345) and will not include the -4 extension.
Zincmfg Posts: 2
Downloaded and updated to Maestro While this finally resolved the issue with Block new font and (!) Only asked for that fix 2 years ago. Any way my issue now is that the graphic icons for the tools are not displaying correct. The hover text is correct but the graphic is NOT. In example The graphic that inserts a trim displays the Paste Settings image; The copy settings tool appears as end lock; End lock is the trim graphic.... It is very annoying to not have the graphics displaying correctly. Will this be addressed or is this considered Non Essential?
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 500
Hello Thomas,
Please try resetting your workspace to fix the issue with the icons. You can do this by clicking: Tools -> Restore Default Workspace.
This should set the tools back to their original space for now.
Dan Schmidt Posts: 1
I am a user of Tajima DG14 Version and would like to Download Maintenance Release 5395. Each time I try to register on PulseClound it won't accept my devise number. What can I do to get this release.
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 500
Dan Schmidt wrote:
I am a user of Tajima DG14 Version and would like to Download Maintenance Release 5395. Each time I try to register on PulseClound it won't accept my devise number. What can I do to get this release.
Hello Dan,
Can you please send us a private message with the error message that appears and your device number?
Zincmfg Posts: 2
PulseMicro wrote:
Hello Thomas,
Please try resetting your workspace to fix the issue with the icons. You can do this by clicking: Tools -> Restore Default Workspace.
This should set the tools back to their original space for now.
Thank you that resolved the issue.
tajima_bhv Posts: 1
PulseMicro wrote:
jantunezr wrote:
Quisiera Saber Si Hay Una Actualización para la versión tajima DG15.
Hola , DG / ML14.1.6.5388 es la última versión de Tajima DG / artículo ML14 . Actualización a DG15 requiere una compra por separado . Por favor, póngase en contacto con su distribuidor de impulsos acerca del precio.
Hello, DG/ML14.1.6.5388 is the latest version of Tajima DG/ML14. Updating to DG15 requires a separate purchase. Please contact your local Pulse distributor for pricing.
Hello, We are using two versions. Tajima DG/ML 10 and Tajima DG/ML 14. Looking forward to upgrading Tajima DG/ML 15. I didn't get above answer meaning, "Updating to DG 15 requires a separate purchase" Is that mean, Do we need to purchase a new version of DG/ML 15 or is there any upgrade version with low cost? Looking forward your reply. Thanks.
bhv_pulsedgml Posts: 1
tajima_bhv wrote:
PulseMicro wrote:
jantunezr wrote:
Quisiera Saber Si Hay Una Actualización para la versión tajima DG15.
Hola , DG / ML14.1.6.5388 es la última versión de Tajima DG / artículo ML14 . Actualización a DG15 requiere una compra por separado . Por favor, póngase en contacto con su distribuidor de impulsos acerca del precio.
Hello, DG/ML14.1.6.5388 is the latest version of Tajima DG/ML14. Updating to DG15 requires a separate purchase. Please contact your local Pulse distributor for pricing.
Hello, We are using two versions. Tajima DG/ML 10 and Tajima DG/ML 14. Looking forward to upgrading Tajima DG/ML 15. I didn't get above answer meaning, "Updating to DG 15 requires a separate purchase" Is that mean, Do we need to purchase a new version of DG/ML 15 or is there any upgrade version with low cost? Looking forward your reply. Thanks.