1 days ago
How do I move the design "center"
isilayPosts: 69
Glad you found it online, but I suggest you to use also the local Help file of your software. DG's user manual will pop-up when you press F1. Your question's answer and more are over there.
1 days ago
The Copy Setting
isilayPosts: 69
On DG17 that feature became selectable in User Settings.
1 days ago
Issue with File Display on Machine
isilayPosts: 69
There is an option to output only some selected segments of a design. On the "Save As" menu, you will notice a box for that. Maybe it was clicked unintenionally..
1 days ago
Text Display Issue: Letters Disappear When Moving
isilayPosts: 69
I've also witnessed a similar issue with some PXF files which were created by older versions of the software. On those files text editing was not functioning as usual, letters were not moving to the location you desire, etc. If your issue is like that, you may open a new page and create all your text from scratch.
16 days ago
Error: Wrong functioncode for start and end codes
TajimaSoftwareAdminPosts: 3
We haven't been able to reproduce this issue. Please reach out to your local Tajima Software Distributor or to support@tajimasoftware.com and we can get in touch and create a support ticket.
16 days ago
Text Display Issue: Letters Disappear When Moving
TajimaSoftwareAdminPosts: 3
Thanks dluxedivegear, we haven't been able to reproduce this one yet.
16 days ago
Issue with Text Spacing
TajimaSoftwareAdminPosts: 3
Thanks for the report!
23 days ago
Embroidery on water-soluble fabric
dluxedivegearPosts: 52
Hello, I am currently experimenting with water-soluble fabric. What type of stitches and underlay would you recommend in this case? Below, I used only 'Smooth' Fill with Lattice Underlay." Thank you.
23 days ago
Looking for a better font - tips to make cleaner
dluxedivegearPosts: 52
I also have issues with 'i' and 'j' from time to time, but I adjust the dots manually if they are too close. As for TrueType fonts, the conversion from Fill to Satin stitch doesn't take long; it only requires adjusting the stitch angles occasionally. For vertical alignment, I mainly use German Block New.. The dots, by the way, are positioned higher in this font and, when vertically aligned, they are well-trimmed on the sides.
23 days ago
Looking for a better font - tips to make cleaner
TheFinishingTouchPosts: 14
Pulse offers the ability to use True Type fonts, but they come in as fill stitches, and I gather you are looking for fonts that automatically digitize as satin stitch. I am not aware of any sources for fonts that you won't have to convert from fill to satin.
24 days ago
Looking for a better font - tips to make cleaner
HillhousePosts: 5
Thanks! That helped out a little bit. But I am still having issues with say the letter "i" or "j". The dot above those letters are so close that the space between them closes and they turn into "l" or what not. Is it possible to edit the font itself - increase the spacing on things like that.
Any other sources to bring in fonts that are not included with Pulse?
25 days ago
Issue with Text Spacing
dluxedivegearPosts: 52
Hello, The spacing field is not working for vertical alignment; it only affects the text when using the less-than (< and greater-than (> symbols. Thanks.
25 days ago
Issue with File Display on Machine
dluxedivegearPosts: 52
Many thanks!
25 days ago
Issue with File Display on Machine
FreestyleGraphicsPosts: 14
This opened just fine for me with both lines of text.
In the sequence view, I would make sure that the LOCK and EYE are not selected
26 days ago
Text Display Issue: Letters Disappear When Moving
dluxedivegearPosts: 52
Hello, This issue happens to me quite often. When I start moving parts of the text left or right, the letters disappear and don't reappear until I make changes to the text. Opening and closing the file doesn't help. Please fix this bug!