HomeDG/ML General Discussion

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Posts: 3

Posts: 3
Can anyone tell me if they are going to start to give the free designs weekly again. Also when is the first page coming back (the one they use to have when you first put Pulse on)
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Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Greilly wrote:
Can anyone tell me if they are going to start to give the free designs weekly again. Also when is the first page coming back (the one they use to have when you first put Pulse on)

Hello Greilly,

At the moment, we do not have plans to give away weekly free designs again. However, we are planning to give away some other very useful assets in the future! We'll let everyone know when it begins!

In regards to the home page of Tajima DG by Pulse products, the DG15 theme will remain there going forward. We want to be sure to provide each user with updated content, and easy access to the latest forum posts here in the community.
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