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DGCommunity - New Posting Requirements Messages in this topic - RSS

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 461

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 461
Hello everyone,

Due to a significant increase in spam recently, we have had to adjust the account permissions for this forum at least temporarily. The DGCommunity is still available for all users to read, but posting and creating topics has been limited to confirmed users of Tajima DG16, DG15, DG/ML14, and DG/ML13 (2009).

To create an account in the DGCommunity automatically with posting permissions, first you must create your PulseCloud account at:

Once this account exists, simply click on the DGCommunity tab to open this site again, but with an automatically generated account with your correct level of DG software.

If you created your DGCommunity account outside of PulseCloud, you may lack the ability to post currently. To change this, please send a Private Message to this admin account with your device number and version. We will update your account to the correct permissions based on the info provided.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and hope to return back to normal soon with additional spam filtering.
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