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Boundary for knockdown stitch on towels
highwayembroidery Posts: 4
I have a design with 2 text segments and a single steil segment. I need to create a background segment which is 5mm larger than the outline of the existing 3 segments, which will then be filled with a "knockdown" stitch on towels. Is there a simple way to do this without manually drawing the border of the new segment?
Is there an easy way to create this knockdown stitch background?
Thanks, Brad edited by highwayembroidery on 11/15/2020
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 499
For this task, we may suggest reviewing the Create Border tool:
You could convert the text to a segment and then select all items you want to create a border around. Then use the Auto-Border tool to generate a border at the appropriate distance from your text/design. Once the border has been created, you can convert that shape into any other stitch type.
If this isn't what you're looking to do, please provide any additional details you can about the design and your end goal.