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Auto-Kerning and Visual Kerning Messages in this topic - RSS

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 496

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 496
Auto Kerning and Visual Kerning

Kerning is always a hot topic of conversation amongst expert digitizers.

For the beginner, kerning refers to the spacing between pairs of letters. Due to the different dimensions of each character, the spacing between certain pairs of letters needs to be different in order to get the proper look. The go-to example for this is to look at the spacing between the names Tim and Tom.

You can see in the example above that “Tim” looks correct whereas “Tom” looks like the spacing is too far apart between the “T” and the “O”. The edges of the characters are spaced the same in both cases, but auto-kerning recognizes the letter pairing and corrects this mistake by bringing the “T” and the “O” closer together.

When you’re purchasing embroidery software or new fonts, it’s important to ask if the fonts are optimized with auto-kerning.

New software may also come with an option called Visual Kerning. This tool allows users to make edits to kerning pairs for each and every font in their software. This is now a drag and drop tool which makes the formerly tedious process very simple. Even novice digitizers can take advantage of this tool to customize how each font appears in their software. Kerning may seem like a small part of digitizing but it makes all of the difference in the finished product.
edited by PulseMicro on 5/13/2015
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Posts: 2

Posts: 2
Question: How to manually kern when kerning point can not be seen? TIA.
edited by NancyT on 4/24/2018
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Posts: 69

Posts: 69
You must see the kerning points in order to edit them.
"Show Beads" icon must be active and the text segment must be selected in order to see the kerning points.
Here is the screen shot:
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