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Vertical Lettering in Your Designs
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 499
Use your embroidery software to easily create beautiful vertical text segments and customize the spacing, line type and justification of the text. You can simply drag and drop individual characters along the baseline to customize the spacing between each letter.
Use vertical spacing settings to set the spacing between each adjacent line in the Vertical text segment. Choose from different line types to adjust the spacing of letters or create a path for the vertical text to follow.
The vertical spacing between the baselines of each letter is the same, regardless of which letters are in the string. Spacing is determined by the reference height of the selected font, plus the vertical spacing property.
When fixed spacing is selected, the spacing between characters will take into account differing heights of the letters, so that there is equal vertical spacing between characters. You can also use justification settings to determine how letters are placed along the segment’s baseline. Options include top, bottom, center or fit to line
Vertical text is great for putting together creative designs to fit a specific vertical area but it can also work to open your business to new markets. Many languages are read from top to bottom so vertical text will help you appeal to these customers as well.