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Profiting from Personalization - Variable Data Messages in this topic - RSS

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Personalization is one of the fastest growing segments within the apparel decoration industry. Customer demand is high and there is currently a great opportunity for decorators to profit from this trend. The key to maximizing profitability in the personalization space is the implementation of new and evolving technologies to improve efficiency and productivity. These new technologies save businesses time and money by streamlining their personalization and ordering processes.

Many businesses want to offer personalization services, but find it too time consuming or labor-intensive to make a substantial profit. However, new technological innovations are pushing these obstacles aside and making it simple to reduce the labour hours and other costs associated with mass personalization. For the digital printing world, Variable Data is the most important technology that can be adopted to simplify the personalization process. Those who have joined the movement towards Variable Data have become increasingly successful and have had a significant impact in terms of organizational growth and production. Variable Data technology improves the productivity of digital print companies by significantly reducing the time it takes to create multiple personalizations that are similar in appearance.

A Variable Data solution works by creating customizable templates within a design program. This allows both the text and graphics properties of a design to be swapped or edited without the need to resize or reposition these elements before sending them to print. This makes it ideal for any business that often deals with orders from teams, clubs and special events. Variable Data also allows the user to replace personalized text and designs instantly using simple data fields and by importing data from spreadsheets. All personalization files can be generated on the same server, using fonts with the same appearance, rules, and vector engine. This results in consistent, high-quality results that businesses can, and do depend on.
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