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Creating Great Appliqué Messages in this topic - RSS

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
In order to create an appliqué segment, you must understand the three stitch types that are used to create an appliqué border.

Run Stitch
The run stitch outlines the shape of the appliqué on the fabric. The run stitch also lets the operator know exactly where to place the appliqué piece on the fabric. After this stitch, the machine stops so the appliqué can be placed on the fabric.

Tack Down Stitch
The tack down stitch fastens the appliqué to the fabric. This stitch ensures that the appliqué piece does not shift or move while the appliqué border sews.

Appliqué Border Stitch
The appliqué border is similar to the steil border. The appliqué border outlines the shape of the appliqué and securely fastens the appliqué to the fabric, finishing the design.

A software program that includes Automatic Applique will do this for you but it is still good to understand how the process works and the role of each of the components. You should know that it’s possible to have an appliqué segment with a run stitch and appliqué stitch, and without tack down stitches.

For Applique border segments that overlap each other, it is now possible to “clip” or remove the overlapped portions automatically from within your software.

Applique Fabrics
Use an Appliqué Fabrics setting to add a fabric background to an Appliqué segment. This can simulate the effect of having real fabric in the segment. You can use either the fabric images supplied with your software, or import you own images to use as fabric background.

Moving the Machine Frame
You can choose where to move the embroidery machine’s frame while placing appliqués. You can set the distance between the top of the appliqué segment and the position where the head will stop after the run positioning or tack down stitch is sewn.

Use your software’s Appliqué Cut tool to create a segment you can save and output to an appliqué cutter machine. To use this feature, you punch Run stitches around an area where you would like to apply an appliqué, and then use Appliqué Cut for the areas where you want to place tack down stitches for the appliqué.
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