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DG/ML 16 Thumbnails + Classic Shortcuts Not Workin
fenix1330 Posts: 44
When I assign Shift+A to "Show Active Group" via Tools-Customize then it do not save after program restart.
-- Best regards, Daniil Chernenko
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 499
Thank you for all of the feedback fenix1330,
We are investigating these issues now and will let you know if we have any requests for more information.
fenix1330 Posts: 44
I found some relationship to the classic interface and the “H” key for closing segments. Definitely there is some confusion in settings mechanism. So you will lost Classic shortkeys if you will make any changes in Tools - Configuration - User Settings - Customize. For applying Classic Interface you should first push this button in settings, than restart the app, then push Tools - Configuration - Restore Default Workspace, then restart again an then "H" key will work.
-- Best regards, Daniil Chernenko
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 499
fenix1330 wrote:
I found some relationship to the classic interface and the “H” key for closing segments. Definitely there is some confusion in settings mechanism. So you will lost Classic shortkeys if you will make any changes in Tools - Configuration - User Settings - Customize. For applying Classic Interface you should first push this button in settings, than restart the app, then push Tools - Configuration - Restore Default Workspace, then restart again an then "H" key will work.
Hello fenix1330,
If we understand correctly:
Classic shortcut keys will not work after making changes in Tools - Configuration - User Settings - Customize. To fix it, you can reset the default workspace.
Is this correct? just hoping to get a bit more information so that we can replicate this issue as well.
fenix1330 Posts: 44
Yes. Correct. At the end of settings - I push "Classic Interface", then close the dialog, then push "default workspace" and restart the app. Then classic shortkeys works correct. edited by fenix1330 on 2/13/2019
-- Best regards, Daniil Chernenko
fenix1330 Posts: 44
I have found the reason of this glitch https://youtu.be/d0CFcUljwc8
It happens when in Windows 10 display properties set 150% scaling of text and apps. It very useful and set as default on Ultra HD 4k monitors. Otherwise the interface is too small. So if this scaling is no 100% this glitch happens. (Antialiasing must be set as birect 3d - yes in DG). Also "shift+t" 3d refresh from my report above also happens from that settings of text scaling.
Please let me know that you have passed this report to developers. edited by fenix1330 on 3/1/2019
-- Best regards, Daniil Chernenko