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DG16 Stop Command issue
Chameleon Posts: 1
Has anyone experienced DG16 composer putting in a stop command when sending any design to a Tajima TFMX? There is no stop command in the design itself, and it worked fine with DG15
hlgearheart Posts: 5
Chameleon wrote:
Has anyone experienced DG16 composer putting in a stop command when sending any design to a Tajima TFMX? There is no stop command in the design itself, and it worked fine with DG15
Yes same thing for me. Always after the first color. If I import it to the machine and DO NOT read the condition and there is not another file on the screen it doesn't. Haven't found a setting in Composer yet to stop it from doing it. And my TFMX-IIC1504 will not let me delete the stop via the thread selection screen. edited by hlgearheart on 1/17/2019
-- Howard Gearheart www.gearheartembroidery.com No Job Too Small
hlgearheart Posts: 5
From Hirsch Support
Unfortunately, the stop code is being put there by DG16, we are aware of this issue and have taken the necessary steps to alert Pulse.
Pulse has let us know that they are working to resolve this issue. edited by hlgearheart on 1/19/2019
-- Howard Gearheart www.gearheartembroidery.com No Job Too Small
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 499
Thank you both for bringing this issue to our attention. We have been able to solve this internally and a fix for this problem will be included in the next DG16 maintenance release.