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Invalid font file
fenix1330 Posts: 44
After a some time of working 16-th cannot open font files for editing. "Invalid font file". Then I "Repair" the app from installation menu and it works good. Then after a some time it happens again.
-- Best regards, Daniil Chernenko
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 500
Hello fenix1330,
Could you tell us what level of Tajima DG16 by Pulse you are using and on which computer operating system? Also, if you can provide any other information about what you were doing just before it stopped working, that would be helpful.
Is there a specific font that triggers this? Are all font files displaying the "Invalid Font File" error? Or just a few?
Please feel free to send as a direct message if you'd prefer not to post publicly.
fenix1330 Posts: 44
I have clearly reinstal Windows 10 pro (64 bit). PC is Intel Core i5, 8GB RAM, SSD, Nvidia GeForce GTX 760. Then I have install DG/ML and all fonts editing works fine. Both built-in and custom fonts. Then it enough one restart of the app for this problem apears. What info may I provide to you? edited by fenix1330 on 3/4/2019
OH!!! I have found the reason! If i start the app as admini then all is OK. edited by fenix1330 on 3/4/2019
actualy I guess that alot of problemms are happens becouse of app permissions. If i look to any other applications folders (Adobe, Corel) then I see that the owner of that folders is "Administrators". But in DG/ML folder I see owner as a "System" see screen: http://prntscr.com/msx613
edited by fenix1330 on 3/12/2019
-- Best regards, Daniil Chernenko
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 500
Thank you fenix1330,
This information has been passed onto our QA team so that we can replicate the issue here.