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Making it Fit with Personalizations Messages in this topic - RSS

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Making it Fit with Personalizations

Over the last few years, the demand for personalization has been on a steady increase. The main reason for this comes more from manufacturers than the consumer side of things.

People have always been interested in personalization. Who doesn’t want their name monogrammed on their new scarf or polo?

The trend really took off because of the technical innovation on the manufacturing side. New software has made it possible to fulfill these personalization needs efficiently. More and more companies now have the ability to offer personalization of garments and other goods.

Obviously, large retailers were the first to take advantage of this new technology, implementing it on the design end and the production end of their business. More recently, we have seen some of these personalization features starting to creep into digitizing software for smaller businesses and retailers.

Before Width Compression:

One such feature is the ability to “shrink to fit” text segments. This is especially useful for jobs where an entire team, club or other organization has asked for personalized garments. What happens if the baseball team who just placed a large order has a catcher named Buck and a shortstop named Hechavarria? How will these two names of fit in the same area allocated for text?

The answer used to be that you would manually resize and reposition each name until you finished the entire team.

After Width Compression:

Now, embroidery software allows you to “shrink to fit” any text segment. Names can be automatically resized and repositioned to fit the defined area both vertically and horizontally.

“Shrink to fit” is just one of the tools that businesses of all sizes now have access to, that larger manufacturers and retailers have been using to expedite personalizations. Oftentimes it’s the ability of the manufacturer to produce a certain item that can set trends rather than the customer’s demands.
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Posts: 1

Posts: 1
How do we set the limits for shrink to fit?
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Anna Ng
Anna Ng
Posts: 1

Anna Ng
Anna Ng
Posts: 1
Can anybody pls tell me how to post a message on here?
Thank you
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Posts: 82

Posts: 82

In the software when you select shrink to fit you have the option to compress by width, by height or by both and use a percentage value for the limit.

Thank you

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