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applying hoops feature Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 3

Posts: 3
version Composer

When I create a logo, wheather it be type or more, I'll click on hoops, then utilize what should be an appropriate hoop to show. But, the hoop I choose will show up nowhere near the image or type I just create. It could be several inches away from the image. Any help here on this??
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Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 500

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 500
Hello DonDingo,

In the current version of Tajima DG16 by Pulse, when a hoop is added, it will center itself on the 0, 0 measurement.

To be close to the center when you add a hoop, you could either:

1. Add the hoop before creating a design
2. Recenter the workspace to 0, 0 (easiest way is to zoom out slightly before starting to design) and make the design there so that when the hoop appears, it will be shown around your design.

Currently when DG16 loads, 0,0 will be in the top left corner so that it's easy to create designs at the desired height and width you want. We will investigate whether it makes more sense to move the default location of the screen or of the hoop.

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.
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