User manual for PULSE DG 16 Illustrator Extreme
Hi! Please, where could I find detailed instructions for PULSE DG 16 Illustrator Extreme ? Preferably in Slovak or Czech language. My dealer gave me instructions for DG / ML and that is something different. For example, I want to join (weld) two objects into one unit and I can't find it. There is a completely different procedure in his manual... |
User manual for PULSE DG 16 Illustrator Extreme
Tajima Software wrote:
Zdá sa, že chcete použiť nástroj "Kombinovať". Ak máte vybratých viacero segmentov, skratka je CTRL + L. Najnovšiu príručku s vami budeme zdieľať prostredníctvom súkromnej správy.
S takýmito predmetmi neviem pracovať - viď príloha. V programe nemám ikony na spájanie objektov a iné funkcie. |
User manual for PULSE DG 16 Illustrator Extreme
Pulse DG 16 Illustrator Extreme / česká verzia Nemôžem nájsť ikony - pozri prílohu
Tajima Software wrote:
Zdá sa, že chcete použiť nástroj "Kombinovať". Ak máte vybratých viacero segmentov, skratka je CTRL + L. Najnovšiu príručku s vami budeme zdieľať prostredníctvom súkromnej správy. |
User manual for PULSE DG 16 Illustrator Extreme
I have almost everything unclicked. In short, my program in the Pulse DG16 Illustrator Extreme version, which cost an incredible bundle of money, cannot do such a simple thing... I'm disappointed.
izšuvums.lv wrote:
In the "View" menu, under "Toolbars and Docking Windows", there should be checkmarks next to "Shape" and "Outline Edit". Do you have them checked there?
roman@galax.sk wrote:
Pulse DG 16 Illustrator Extreme / česká verzia Nemôžem nájsť ikony - pozri prílohu
Tajima Software wrote:
Zdá sa, že chcete použiť nástroj "Kombinovať". Ak máte vybratých viacero segmentov, skratka je CTRL + L. Najnovšiu príručku s vami budeme zdieľať prostredníctvom súkromnej správy. |
How to make a 3D snake stitch?
Hello experts! I would like to ask for your advice on how I could make a 3D snake stitch for caps in the Pulse DG16 Illustrator Extreme program. I am attaching pictures from the Internet. Has anyone done this before? |
How to make a 3D puff effect with an edge?
Hi! Please, can you advise me how to make a 3D effect with an edge? I am attaching a picture from the Internet. I've already asked several people and even a master digitizer with thirty years of experience didn't know... |
How to create animal fur from a photo?
Please, can we make fur imitation in Pulse DG16 Illustrator Extreme program without having to upgrade to Maestro? I have a Wacom graphic tablet and I would like to finally use it 
And one more specialty on this topic: when enlarging or reducing the design, the stitches should be counted by themselves. Here's how one professional digitizer does it: https://youtu.be/P-g-Sl9ea0E?list=PLCAQv2B-CeIwwM70-J_9TidP4jZABpWvs
Even cheap programs for a few hundred dollars can do it, such as Embrid, PE design Plus from Brother...
Does anyone make animals using the fur modeling technique as I demonstrate with WILCOM in this video?
https://youtu.be/elFkOD_-W9U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OSOTmrjBJ4&ab_channel=CARALBOBordadoras |
How to prevent deformation on the cap?
I embroider on caps. So far I have only made irregular shapes and logos. Now customers want a square on the sewing machine. And I found that there are deformations of the shape? Instead of a square, he embroiders a trapezoid. I am attaching the photos. , can it be needed somehow by software or do I have to hard deform the square? edited by roman@galax.sk on 3/28/2024 |